Our Team


Jerome Avenue Revitalization Collaborative

In response to the largest rezoning in New York City, spanning 93 blocks across the Jerome Avenue corridor in the Bronx, JobsFirstNYC is launching a partnership that will prepare employers and workers for incoming economic development and potential zoning related impacts.


Bronx Impact Alliance Community District 6

Bronx Impact Alliance Community District 6 brings together cross-sector stakeholders within Bronx Community District 6 to develop community-driven strategies to transcend poverty.

Bronx Impact Alliance Community District 9

As a Community District 9 backbone organization, YMPJ is enlisting the collaboration of key partners and residents to facilitate monthly stakeholder meetings with translation services and provide capacity building and technical assistance support to all network members of the collective impact collaboration with a plan to address some of CD9’s greatest


South Bronx Rising Together (CD3)

South Bronx Rising Together is a community-wide effort with a network of neighborhood residents and program providers in Bronx Community District 3 to build pathways of success and economic mobility for children and youth from cradle through college and career.