Since poverty is the result of multiple issues working in combination, it is essential to find smart, creative solutions that address poverty reduction in a holistic way.


Children’s Aid established a highly strategic and inclusive process to ensure meaningful governance of the initiative. Structured processes were put in place to effectively gather critical information and make certain thaat recommendations would be supported by meaningful community input, data and critical analysis.

Working closely with the Bronx Borough President’s office (BBPO), Children’s Aid assembled a Task Force of community leaders and representatives who reflect the diversity and dense population of the Bronx and who understand the pervasive nature of poverty across the borough. Each of these participants approached the task at hand with a spirit of candor and represented one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Deep roots in the Bronx – and the South Bronx, in particular – with authentic connections to individuals directly affected by poverty or living in poverty themselves;

  2. Operating members of networks currently combating poverty; and/or

  3. Expertise on the causes of and best strategies to reduce poverty.

A Steering Committee of local leaders was created to help streamline the decision-making and governance process. Consisting of experienced professionals with the knowledge and savvy to make smart and thoughtful decisions, along with the ability to influence policy, the Steering Committee was guided by an analysis of published research, local data and community voices to play the pivotal role in focusing Bronx Impact strategies.

“Regardless of all the progress we have made in the Bronx, poverty remains a serious problem across the borough and rampant in the communities of the South Bronx. If we introduce solutions that successfully reduce poverty in those neighborhoods, we will be developing a blueprint for the Bronx overall.”

-Hon. Rubén Díaz, Jr., Borough President of the Bronx

Photo by Ed Garcia Conde

Bronx Impact Advisory Council

  • Michael Alfulti, PhD, President, SUNY Maritime College

  • Diya Basu-Sen, Executive Director, Sapna NYC, Inc.

  • Phoebe Boyer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Children’s Aid

  • Nancy Carin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Business Outreach Network

  • Nicole Carter, Director of Resident Services at Crotona Park, Phipps Neighborhoods

  • Jessica Clemente, Executive Director, Nos Quedamos

  • Marcos Crespo, Senior VP of Community Affairs, Montefiore

  • Dr. Jose Luis Cruz, President, Lehman College

  • Christine Curella, Director of Business Development and New Economy Initiatives, Consultant

  • Daniel Díaz, Executive Director, East Side House

  • Ricardo Díaz, RDN, Head Nutritionist, Wellness in the Schools

  • Mark Dunetz, PhD, President, New Visions

  • Beverly Emers, Community Leader, Bronx Community College

  • Debbian Fletcher-Blake, CEO, VIP Community Services

  • Rasmia Kirmani, Public Housing Consultant, Ford Foundation and Hester Street

  • Tonya Gayle, Executive Director, Green City Force

  • Demetris Giannoulias, CEO, Spring Bank

  • Hon. Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx Borough President

  • Dr. David Gomez, President, Hostos Community College

  • Christina Hanson, Executive Director, POTS

  • Michael Hurwitz, former Director, Greenmarket

  • Paloma Izquierdo-Hernandez, President and CEO, Urban Health Plan

  • Bijan Kimiagar, Associate Director for Research, CCC

  • Terry Lawson, Co-Founder and Director, Bronx Immigration Partnership & Bronx Legal Services

  • Sue Lehmann, Chief Facilitator and Co-Founder, Student Success Network

  • Derrick Lewis, Co-Founder, The Bronx Foundation

  • Aracelis Lucero, Executive Director, Masa

  • Shana McCormick, Director, RAP4Bronx

  • Jennifer Mitchell, Executive Director, The HOPE Program/Sustainable South Bronx

  • Amjad Mujaahid, Bronx Neighborhood Health Promoter, Tremont Health Action Center, DOHMH

  • Eileen Newman, Executive Director, Center for Bronx Nonprofits

  • Marjorie Parker, President and CEO, JobsFirstNYC

  • Dr. Douglas Reich, Chairman, Family Medicine, Bronx Lebanon Hospital

  • Jerelyn Rodriguez, Founder, The Knowledge House

  • Charmaine Ruddock, Project Director, Bronx Health REACH

  • Davon Russell, President, WHEDco

  • Carol Samol, Director of the Bronx Office, Department of City Planning

  • Abby Jo Sigal, Executive Director, NYC Mayor's Office of Workforce Development

  • Lisa Sorin, President, Bronx Chamber of Commerce

  • Msgr. Kevin Sullivan, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York

  • Eileen Torres, Chief Executive Officer, BronxWorks

  • Andre White, Executive Director, Phipps Neighborhoods

  • Denice Williams, Deputy Commissioner, DYCD

  • Denise Williams, Director of Equity Excellence, DOE

  • Marion Williams, National Program Director, Wellness in the Schools

We don’t want to report on the community – we want the community itself to report on what is happening.”

- Abe Fernandez, Director of Collective Impact, Children’s Aid